Friday, March 14, 2014

A Very BIG and Humble Thank YOU !!!

Thank you to everyone for everything that you have been doing to help us through.
You have definately made the past few weeks more bearable.

Thank you for helping watch Jack.
Thank you for all of the yummy food and treats.
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words.
Thank you for asking how my day is.
Thank you for asking if we need anything.
Thank you to my prayer warriors (your prayers are changing things).

We had another ultrasound on Monday March 10 and a doctors appointment right after.
There was much good news.
The placenta and vasa previa continue to move away from the cervix. This means that the chances of bleeding are decreasing and they are still holding out hope for a full-term vaginal birth (as opposed to by section).
The doctor has canceled some of the activity restrictions. Although, I have been unable to walk or stand for very long because I have another condition of pregnancy (yes there is more, lol) called neuro-cardio genic pre-syncope. If I am standing, walking, exerting myself, or if baby starts to kick my guts, I start to experience heart palpitations, chest tightness, lightheadedness, nausea and shortness of breath. I had this same condition while pregnant with Jack and it went away pretty much as soon as he was born.

I think this baby is going to be big like Jack was. Jack was 9lb 13oz. Just 3oz shy of 10lb.
The normal weight for a baby at 25 weeks is 1.4lb or 600grams. They estimated our baby to be 900grams or 2lb, which places it above the 90th percentile for weight!!!!

I left their office on Monday feeling quite confused.
She had mentioned the possibility of a full-term vaginal birth - we had been told that it was completely out of the question.
She mentioned the possibility of therefore not requiring early admission back to hospital at 32 weeks.
She said there were no need to be completely sedentary.
All of this made us question whether we had jumped the gun with hiring a nanny? How had things changed that much?
Wholly emotional roller-coaster.

I have corresponded with her since by email and realise now that the risks seem to lie somewhere in between.
The risk of bleeding is a little less than it was at the last ultrasound - but it still exists.
Only time will tell - if things continue to move, then there is the possbility of a vaginal birth (though, it is remote).
I will likely require early admission to hospital - this is a standard precaution with a known vasa previa.
Depending upon how much things shift - baby will very likely be taken early by section.

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