The Show: One Hit Wonders - we often hear great hits and hum along to familiar songs, but often those songs and artists come and go. Ever heard of 'Katrina and The Waves' or 'Buster Poindexter'? Neither had I, but I know their songs and could probably sing along. I made our reservations weeks in advance to ensure we got top-notch seats. Score! Front-row. This is going to be great.
Front row, I didn't know at the time, meant that your chin would be resting on the stage. Male singers would kneel down, asking for your hand, as they sang love ballads. People hopping-and-a-bopping on stage would drip sweat on you. When they rocked out, screaming the words with all their might, you would be spit upon. And you could see the knickers of the girls who wore short skirts. Front-row was a little more than I bargained for.
None of the above however put much of damper on my enjoyment of the show. Made for a different perspective of the show, an experience for sure. It was fun rocking out to familiar songs I have not heard in a long time. There were a lot of grey-haired people there that were shaking what their mama gave them, to songs of their generation. It was great. But, if I go to dinner theater again (and some advice from new-found knowledge) I would choose a seat a little further from the stage.